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Ability Connection Oklahoma receives $7,500 grant from the

Oklahoma City Community Foundation

Oklahoma City, OK – Ability Connection Oklahoma is pleased to announce it has received a $7,500 grant from the Oklahoma City Community Foundation through its Services for Older Adults Community Grant Program. This grant is one of 15 awarded, to provide services to older adults that enable them to continue living independently in their homes.
The grant will be used to expand our Equipment Grants & Loans program to adults age 65+ in Canadian, Cleveland, and Oklahoma counties, including homeless individuals. OCCF staff and trustees believe we make the greatest difference when we join together to address important issues. These grants are awarded to nonprofit organizations for projects that support independent living for older adults age 65 or older through services and programming, as well as wellness, social and recreational activities.
The Equipment Grants & Loans program serves people with disabilities and older adults by providing donated durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, bedside commodes, shower seats, etc. Gently used medical equipment is donated to Ability Connection Oklahoma and refurbished when needed. We give those items away, at no cost, to people in need. To apply for the Equipment Grants & Loans program, or to donate equipment, please call 405/759-3562 or email
Ability Connection Oklahoma is a 501(c )3 organization serving people with disabilities in Oklahoma. Our mission is to…Advance the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities. 

Thanks to Oklahoma City Community Foundation

Ability Connection Oklahoma has moved!

Our new address is 10320 S. Penn., Ste. 204, Oklahoma City OK 73159.

Though much of our world has gone virtual, we are still here, dedicated to serving Oklahomans with disabilities. As you might imagine, we are receiving an increased number of calls for emergency assistance. We need your help to continue vital programs in Oklahoma. Please consider a Donation to keep our organization strong.

Ability Connection Oklahoma is a non-profit organization serving children and adults with disabilities, statewide. Our mission is to...Advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities.

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