What We Do

What We Do

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2022 Program and Service Accomplishments

  • 347 Community members served.
  • 87 Individuals received Education & Outreach services.
  • 57 Individuals and families received Financial Assistance.
  • 26 Individuals shared their voices with their speech device from the New Voices program.
  • 79 Athletes participated in sports training and competition, with the help of 30 volunteers.
  • 47 Willows residents lived more independently.
  • 21 Individuals and families received durable medical equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, etc.).
What we do - Bella

New Voices

Thanks to the latest digital technology, children who are non-verbal are learning to “speak” for the first time and communicate with family, friends, and teachers. The iPad’s unique size and portability makes it a good fit for children with disabilities. Comprehensive language software and visual and audio applications, or “apps,” are available.

Currently seeking grant opportunities to fund the New Voices program.

What we Do - iPad
Equipment Loans and Grants

Equipment Loans & Grants

Temporary and/or permanent loans of durable medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers, feeding seats, prone standers, strollers, adapted toys, bath seats, etc., are provided without charge regardless of disability.

Financial Assistance

As funding permits, Ability Connection Oklahoma can provide assistance in funding for specific expenses related to disability that have no other source of funding. Through a simple application process, a committee reviews requests in the following areas; small specialized adaptive aides, diapers, specialized formulas, critical medications, and emergency rental costs.

Financial Assistance
Special Friends Bowling League

Special Friends

Bowling league for children, adolescents and adults with disabilities and their families. Meets Tuesday evenings at Holiday Lanes in Oklahoma City. (Volunteers needed)

Northcliff Gardens

Sponsored by Ability Connection Oklahoma in collaboration with the Norman Housing authority. This HUD Section 202 Housing complex consists of 44 living units for low-income elderly.


The Willows/Pathways

Ability Connection Oklahoma sponsored HUD 202 accessible living accommodations for adults with disabilities. Program consists of 38 units across 3 locations.

Moore Xtreme

Athletes with disabilities train together to participate in competitive sports. Sports include: Bocce, Golf, Power-lifting,
Basketball, Horse Shoes, Track & Field, and Softball, Flag Football and Equestrian.

(Volunteers needed)

Moore Xtreme
Information / Referral and Follow-Along

Information/Referral and Follow-Along

Information is provided and referrals are made for services appropriate to individuals who contact the agency with needs and/or questions. Follow-up services are also provided to ensure that individuals successfully locate available programs and services in the community.

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